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Pyconify-based Icon.

Example: With caption


{{ "mdi:file" | MkIcon }}



<svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="currentColor" d="M13 9V3.5L18.5 9M6 2c-1.11 0-2 .89-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8l-6-6z"/></svg>
<p><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="currentColor" d="M13 9V3.5L18.5 9M6 2c-1.11 0-2 .89-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8l-6-6z"/></svg></p>

Example: Colored


{{ "mdi:file" | MkIcon(color="red") }}


MkIcon('mdi:file', color='red')

<svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="red" d="M13 9V3.5L18.5 9M6 2c-1.11 0-2 .89-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8l-6-6z"/></svg>
<p><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="red" d="M13 9V3.5L18.5 9M6 2c-1.11 0-2 .89-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8l-6-6z"/></svg></p>

Example: Rotated


{{ "mdi:file" | MkIcon(rotate=90) }}


MkIcon('mdi:file', rotate=90)

<svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g transform="rotate(90 12 12)"><path fill="currentColor" d="M13 9V3.5L18.5 9M6 2c-1.11 0-2 .89-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8l-6-6z"/></g></svg>
<p><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g transform="rotate(90 12 12)"><path fill="currentColor" d="M13 9V3.5L18.5 9M6 2c-1.11 0-2 .89-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8l-6-6z"/></g></svg></p>

Example: Sized


{{ "noto:wrench" | MkIcon(height=100, width=100) }}


MkIcon('noto:wrench', height=100, width=100)

<svg xmlns="" width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><path fill="#82AEC0" d="M113.88 94.05c-1.36-1.16-3.17-2.53-5.46-4.26c-8.49-6.44-24.2-18.37-50.96-45.03c2.06-3.75 3.23-7.95 3.36-12.37c.24-7.56-2.69-14.97-8.04-20.32c-8.84-8.84-22.55-10.61-33.34-4.3c-.49.29-.79.82-.79 1.39s.31 1.1.8 1.38l16.61 9.59c1.64 8.29-3.12 16.57-11.18 19.35L8.22 29.84c-.49-.28-1.1-.29-1.59 0c-.49.28-.8.8-.81 1.37c-.09 8.13 3.4 15.85 9.58 21.18c5.12 4.42 11.52 6.62 17.92 6.62c3.59 0 7.17-.72 10.54-2.11c24.21 24.32 35.66 41.18 42.52 51.29c2.4 3.54 4.14 6.1 5.63 7.77c4.56 5.1 9.52 7.86 14.36 7.99c.12 0 5.33.8 10.83-4.7c3.46-3.46 5.14-7.25 4.98-11.24c-.2-4.74-2.99-9.44-8.3-13.96m-9.07 18.92c-3.39 0-6.15-2.75-6.15-6.15s2.75-6.15 6.15-6.15s6.15 2.75 6.15 6.15s-2.76 6.15-6.15 6.15"/><path fill="#2F7889" d="M61.13 48.38c-1.2-1.18-2.42-2.39-3.67-3.63c2.06-3.75 3.23-7.95 3.36-12.37c.09-3-.32-5.96-1.17-8.79c-.76-1.25-1.96-2.59-2.72-1.78c.31 9.82-2.54 20.05-9.37 27.11c-3.39 3.5-7.8 6.03-12.53 7.23c-2.34.59-4.76.85-7.17.72c-1.41-.08-5.39-1.55-6.19-.47v.05c3.67 1.71 7.65 2.56 11.63 2.56c3.59 0 7.17-.72 10.54-2.11c7.83 7.87 14.32 14.95 19.76 21.28c-2.72-5.14-10.74-14.63-12.88-18.25c-.48-.82-1.16-2.92.37-4.81c2.17-2.65 6.58-5.11 10.04-6.74"/><path fill="#B9E4EA" d="M70.01 66.91s3.73-1.64 9.25 2.83c5.52 4.48 26.76 22.54 28.55 24.93s-5.42-.04-7.96-.48c-2.53-.45-29.84-27.28-29.84-27.28M43.32 12c3.08 2.21 5.84 4.82 8.73 7.28c.74.63 1.83 1.27 2.6.66c.83-.66.31-1.98-.32-2.84c-5.46-7.5-15.65-12.86-25.5-10.73C34.03 8.04 38.7 8.7 43.32 12"/><path fill="#2F7889" d="M18.83 37.74c1.21.72 2.89 1.7 3.86 1.97c1.17.32 4.46-.95 5.42-1.72c-3.94-2.57-8.34-5.45-12.29-8.02c-.45-.29-.9-.59-1.41-.75c-.62-.19-1.28-.18-1.92-.14c-.9.04-5.3-.11-5.81.67c-.52.79 1.31 1.54 1.9 1.9c3.41 2.04 6.84 4.05 10.25 6.09"/></svg>
<p><svg xmlns="" width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><path fill="#82AEC0" d="M113.88 94.05c-1.36-1.16-3.17-2.53-5.46-4.26c-8.49-6.44-24.2-18.37-50.96-45.03c2.06-3.75 3.23-7.95 3.36-12.37c.24-7.56-2.69-14.97-8.04-20.32c-8.84-8.84-22.55-10.61-33.34-4.3c-.49.29-.79.82-.79 1.39s.31 1.1.8 1.38l16.61 9.59c1.64 8.29-3.12 16.57-11.18 19.35L8.22 29.84c-.49-.28-1.1-.29-1.59 0c-.49.28-.8.8-.81 1.37c-.09 8.13 3.4 15.85 9.58 21.18c5.12 4.42 11.52 6.62 17.92 6.62c3.59 0 7.17-.72 10.54-2.11c24.21 24.32 35.66 41.18 42.52 51.29c2.4 3.54 4.14 6.1 5.63 7.77c4.56 5.1 9.52 7.86 14.36 7.99c.12 0 5.33.8 10.83-4.7c3.46-3.46 5.14-7.25 4.98-11.24c-.2-4.74-2.99-9.44-8.3-13.96m-9.07 18.92c-3.39 0-6.15-2.75-6.15-6.15s2.75-6.15 6.15-6.15s6.15 2.75 6.15 6.15s-2.76 6.15-6.15 6.15"/><path fill="#2F7889" d="M61.13 48.38c-1.2-1.18-2.42-2.39-3.67-3.63c2.06-3.75 3.23-7.95 3.36-12.37c.09-3-.32-5.96-1.17-8.79c-.76-1.25-1.96-2.59-2.72-1.78c.31 9.82-2.54 20.05-9.37 27.11c-3.39 3.5-7.8 6.03-12.53 7.23c-2.34.59-4.76.85-7.17.72c-1.41-.08-5.39-1.55-6.19-.47v.05c3.67 1.71 7.65 2.56 11.63 2.56c3.59 0 7.17-.72 10.54-2.11c7.83 7.87 14.32 14.95 19.76 21.28c-2.72-5.14-10.74-14.63-12.88-18.25c-.48-.82-1.16-2.92.37-4.81c2.17-2.65 6.58-5.11 10.04-6.74"/><path fill="#B9E4EA" d="M70.01 66.91s3.73-1.64 9.25 2.83c5.52 4.48 26.76 22.54 28.55 24.93s-5.42-.04-7.96-.48c-2.53-.45-29.84-27.28-29.84-27.28M43.32 12c3.08 2.21 5.84 4.82 8.73 7.28c.74.63 1.83 1.27 2.6.66c.83-.66.31-1.98-.32-2.84c-5.46-7.5-15.65-12.86-25.5-10.73C34.03 8.04 38.7 8.7 43.32 12"/><path fill="#2F7889" d="M18.83 37.74c1.21.72 2.89 1.7 3.86 1.97c1.17.32 4.46-.95 5.42-1.72c-3.94-2.57-8.34-5.45-12.29-8.02c-.45-.29-.9-.59-1.41-.75c-.62-.19-1.28-.18-1.92-.14c-.9.04-5.3-.11-5.81.67c-.52.79 1.31 1.54 1.9 1.9c3.41 2.04 6.84 4.05 10.25 6.09"/></svg></p>

Bases: MkNode


    icon_name: str,
    color: str | None = None,
    height: str | int | None = None,
    width: str | int | None = None,
    flip: Flip | None = None,
    rotate: Rotation | None = None,
    box: bool | None = None,
    **kwargs: Any


Name Type Description Default
icon_name str

Icon name

color str | None

Icon color. Replaces currentColor with specific color, resulting in icon with hardcoded palette.

height str | int | None

Icon height. If only one dimension is specified, such as height, other dimension will be automatically set to match it.

width str | int | None

Icon width. If only one dimension is specified, such as height, other dimension will be automatically set to match it.

flip Flip | None

Flip icon.

rotate Rotation | None

Rotate icon. If an int is provided, it is assumed to be in degrees.

box bool | None

Adds an empty rectangle to SVG that matches the icon's viewBox. It is needed when importing SVG to various UI design tools that ignore viewBox. Those tools, such as Sketch, create layer groups that automatically resize to fit content. Icons usually have empty pixels around icon, so such software crops those empty pixels and icon's group ends up being smaller than actual icon, making it harder to align it in design.

kwargs Any

Keyword arguments passed to parent

Name Children Inherits
Base class for everything which can be expressed as Markup.
graph TD
  94596169136704 --> 94596169157696
  94596171773984 --> 94596169136704
  139930746687680 --> 94596171773984
icon = "mdi:image"
status = "new"
name = "MkIcon"
group = "image"

title = "With caption"
jinja = """
{{ "mdi:file" | MkIcon }}

title = "Colored"
jinja = """
{{ "mdi:file" | MkIcon(color="red") }}

title = "Rotated"
jinja = """
{{ "mdi:file" | MkIcon(rotate=90) }}

title = "Sized"
jinja = """
{{ "noto:wrench" | MkIcon(height=100, width=100) }}

template = """
{{ node.icon_name | get_icon_svg(color=node.color, height=node.height, width=node.width, flip=node.flip, rotate=node.rotate,}}
class MkIcon(mknode.MkNode):
    """Pyconify-based Icon."""

    ICON = "material/image"
    STATUS = "new"

    def __init__(
        icon_name: str,
        color: str | None = None,
        height: str | int | None = None,
        width: str | int | None = None,
        flip: iconfilters.Flip | None = None,
        rotate: iconfilters.Rotation | None = None,
        box: bool | None = None,
        **kwargs: Any,

            icon_name: Icon name
            color: Icon color. Replaces currentColor with specific color, resulting in
                   icon with hardcoded palette.
            height: Icon height. If only one dimension is specified, such as height, other
                    dimension will be automatically set to match it.
            width: Icon width. If only one dimension is specified, such as height, other
                   dimension will be automatically set to match it.
            flip: Flip icon.
            rotate: Rotate icon. If an int is provided, it is assumed to be in degrees.
            box: Adds an empty rectangle to SVG that matches the icon's viewBox.
                 It is needed when importing SVG to various UI design tools that ignore
                 viewBox. Those tools, such as Sketch, create layer groups that
                 automatically resize to fit content. Icons usually have empty pixels
                 around icon, so such software crops those empty pixels and icon's
                 group ends up being smaller than actual icon, making it harder to
                 align it in design.
            kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to parent
        self.icon_name = icon_name
        self.color = color
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.flip = flip
        self.rotate = rotate = box

    def svg(self) -> str:
        import requests.exceptions

            return iconfilters.get_icon_svg(
        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
            logger.warning("Could not find icon %r", self.icon_name)
            return ""

    def _to_markdown(self) -> str:
        return self.svg